Your Aquarius placements are gonna wanna see this 👀

The “RX” Jan 29 - Feb 4: Your Aquarius placements are gonna wanna see this 👀

Written under an Aquarius Sun and Virgo Moon. With Pluto in Aquarius, we’re cultivating a vision of a world where we walk in radical compassion and acceptance. 💞

Happy Moon Day Cosmic Cuties!
This week is all about setting the stage — nothing too major is happening in the sky, but we’re gearing up for MAJOR Aquarius energy as multiple planets transit into this rebellious little sign over the next month. We’re accepting the invitation to let our freak flag fly, and harnessing the cosmos to vibe with our highest and hottest selves. If your chart is heavy on Aquarius placements, this one’s for you 😘.

This week we’re reclaiming and recommitting ourselves to embodying Monday as the Moon day. At the top of the week, tune in with yourself and trust your intuitive flow. Under the Virgo moon, this will act as a practice to set yourself up for success throughout the rest of the week. Find a ritual in the small things, slow down with your morning coffee or tea, get into your body through movement, or clear your brain with a quick declutter. Allow yourself to feel empowered going into the week. As always, be aware of heavy self-criticism — remember, it’s better to move forward imperfectly than not at all!

Sweet Libra has us feeling balanced and harmonious, reveling in our relationships and community. You may feel a strong desire to spend time with people you love, or reaching out to create new connections — Aquarius sun influences technology, so dust off those dating apps if it serves you (do it for the plot, as the kids say). But be aware of overcommitting! Nobody likes a flakey friend, so stay grounded, check in with your body, and honor your bandwidth.

A sexy Scorpio moon + Aquarius sun = let your freak flag fly babyyyy. Aquarius is foaming at the mouth to reveal those weirdo parts of your personality, and the shameless Scorpio moon is just adding fuel to the fire. Boldly step into your most [insert word here] self, emphasis on BOLDLY. And, as with any Scorpio moon days, go below the surface — has something been nagging at you lately? Harness Scorpio’s intuitive prowess to get to the bottom of what’s been bothering you. Consult your guides, check in with your therapist, pull some cards, you’ve got this!

Our eyesight is 20/20 with this double visionary energy, hunny. Sagittarius values freedom of expression and exploration and, with Aquarius governing the identity, plug into what inner truth that reveals and how it translates to your life. If you’re having difficulty identifying what those truths are, sometimes quieting down and removing the background “static” can help to clear the airwaves and open up the lines to receive your message. Give yourself permission to be quiet and rest. With all this unapologetic truth-telling, it’s important to remember not to be a dick about it 🤷‍♀️. Speak your truth with compassion and from a place of helpfulness.

🪐 Want a complete survival guide for all the astro-activity ahead? Subscribe to CosmicRx+ Premium.

2/4: Mercury Enters Aquarius

Early next week, Mercury will join the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, with Mars. Consider this our immersion into Aquarian energy and a “trial run” of what we can expect for the next 20 years with Pluto in Aquarius. As we get our first little tastes, we can start asking questions about how we can cultivate like-minded community (whether it’s reconnecting with existing community or finding your new “people”), break out of rigid societal “norms,” and seek out causes that are aligned with your values.

Also, currently all planets are direct. Take advantage of this time by setting intentions, shooting your shot, starting that passion project, investing in people/activities that make your soul happy and just enjoy the flow of it all.

Want more insight into the major transits of 2024 and what they mean for you? Watch the 2024 Astrology Forecast webinar replay!

  • Monday........🫧
    Set a timer for 15 minutes to tidy your space before starting the workday.

  • Tuesday......…🥂 

    Plan a group dinner with the besties.

  • Wednesday.........😉
    Spruce up your dating app bio and maybe send that first message.

  • Thursday.........🍿
    Have a movie night at home with your sweetie.

  • Friday..........☁️
    Purge: do an energy cleanse, drink some detox tea, or get a deep tissue massage.

  • Saturday........❤️‍🔥

    Have a DEEP conversation with a trusted friend, and don’t hide the intensity of your emotions.

  • Sunday.........📚
    Visit a new bookstore and peruse a genre that’s unfamiliar to you.  

The RX is delivered every Monday. Our moon-based community is up to more and more magic each week. Here are some extra doses of self-love, intuition, power & pleasure for you.

🎧 LISTEN UP: Join CosmicRx+ Premium for exclusive podcast episodes.
🎓 BECOME A STAR STUDENT! Learn the basics of your birth chart.
🪐 SATURN, WHO? Are you in your Saturn Return? Discover what that means for you in our Saturn Return Workshop.

Everything you need to know for 2024. presented by Madi Murphy.

This Replay Includes:

  • Major transits in 2024 and how to make the most of them.

  • Forecasts and Energy predictions.

  • Astro advice and tools for alignment, abundance and authentic living.Full replay with slides.

How are you putting your RX’s into practice this week?
Share your rituals, affirmations, and action steps with us.
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