🎶The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius🎶

The “RX” Jan 15 - Jan 21: 🎶The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius🎶

Written under a Capricorn Sun and Moon, using radical love as an agent of change 💞 .

Hi Cosmic Cuties!
Before you get swept away by the start of Aquarius season, this week we’re taking note of the earthy undercurrent. Several planets are hanging out in grounded signs like Capricorn and Taurus, sending celestial nudges to prioritize structure and foundation-building at the top of this year.

This isn't a season for airy daydreams (we’ll get to that later) – it's time to lay the bricks, draft the blueprints, and get your metaphorical shovel ready. Think of this time as planting the seeds that will blossom into your year's greatest victories. 🌷

☾ Pisces Moon: Monday
Today's MLK Day aligns perfectly with the cosmic duo: Capricorn Sun, representing Dr. King's unwavering resolve, and Pisces Moon, urging us to connect with our spiritual power. The ultimate Capricorn archetype, Dr. King demonstrates through his work and mission that Capricornian drive thrives when fueled by a higher purpose. The Pisces moon is gently urging you to drop into yourself and find that higher power that gives your goals meaning. This, like Dr. King's fight for justice, strengthens your resolve and illuminates your path to a better world. Be the radical change you wish to see in the world.

☾ Aries Moon: Tuesday, Wednesday
Following the contemplative energy from yesterday’s Pisces moon, it’s time to buckle up, babes, because we're blasting off into action mode. Aries’ fiery energy wants you to start solidifying some of your goals for this year and chase your dreams, not someone else's. The North Node and Chiron are both currently chilling in Aries, reminding you that healing happens when you light your own damn fire. So ditch the routine, embrace what sparks your spirit, and start taking steps to create the life that you want. Comfort zones are cozy, but they also spell death for your soul 💀.

☾Taurus Moon: Thursday, Friday
As the moon settles into practical Taurus, we have one last double-earth sign moment before Aquarius season. Think: building systems, streamlining routines, and setting yourself up for next-level success. We’re imagining cozy afternoons spent planning, organizing, and strategizing our future moves. Also a friendly, Taurian reminder: don't forget to build in downtime! These days demand rest and restoration as much as it craves productivity. So light those candles, indulge in a decadent bath, and remember, sometimes the best way to get things done is to recharge your batteries and step away from the chaos ✨.

☾ Gemini Moon: Saturday, Sunday
Happy Aquarius season! The Sun and Pluto are conjunct in Aquarius, combined with the moon in Gemini is igniting a flurry of fresh ideas and inspiration. You might feel an irresistible urge to connect, share your newfound insights, and revitalize existing relationships. However, beware the "shiny-thing syndrome" — every spark of brilliance might seem tempting, but chasing them all could leave you feeling overwhelmed. Remember, setting yourself up for success requires mindful action. So, as you embrace the creative surge, identify the grounding tool in your personal toolbox—whether it's meditation, movement, or simply connecting with nature—to keep your feet planted and your ideas blossoming.

🪐 Want a complete survival guide for all the astro-activity ahead? Subscribe to CosmicRx+ Premium.

If you couldn’t already tell, this week’s celestial theme is setting yourself up for success. We’ve been spending lots of time looking ahead — making plans, setting goals, etc – but it’s important to ask yourself what you can do today to make the changes that need to happen, in order for those goals to get accomplished. So much of Capricorn energy is embodying the version of yourself that you want to be tomorrow, today — as we near the end of this season, what are some small, tangible changes that you can apply right now that will compound over time? It’s like they say, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time to do it is now 🌳. So start planting those seeds today!

The season of the rebellious and revolutionary water bearer is here! Over the next few weeks be open to innovate, invent and think outside the box.

1/20: Sun Enters Aquarius
1/20: Pluto Enters Aquarius

  • Monday........🔮
    Pull some cards to connect with your higher power (check out our Oracle Deck!) and do 10-minute meditation.

  • Tuesday......…🤩

    Bust out the collage supplies and finish up that 2024 vision board.

  • Wednesday.........💅
    Take yourself on a solo-date (see a movie, treat yourself to a nice meal, or do an at-home pamper sesh.)

  • Thursday.........🧘
    Journal down some mantras and meditations to help motivate and ground you.

  • Friday..........🍩
    Treat yourself to a new candle or a sweet treat — you’ve earned it!

  • Saturday........📊

    Make a spreadsheet to organize all your ideas/goals for 2024.

  • Sunday.........🌞
    Take a nature walk and aim to get the sun on your face before 10AM (for your circadian rhythm).

The RX is delivered every Monday. Our moon-based community is up to more and more magic each week. Here are some extra doses of self-love, intuition, power & pleasure for you.

🎧 LISTEN UP: Join CosmicRx+ Premium for exclusive podcast episodes.
🎓 BECOME A STAR STUDENT! Learn the basics of your birth chart.
🪐 SATURN, WHO? Are you in your Saturn Return? Discover what that means for you in our Saturn Return Workshop.
📈 CHECK THE WEATHER: Everything you need to know for the astrology of 2024. Watch the replay.

Everything you need to know for 2024. presented by Madi Murphy.

This Replay Includes:

  • Major transits in 2024 and how to make the most of them.

  • Forecasts and Energy predictions.

  • Astro advice and tools for alignment, abundance and authentic living.

How are you putting your RX’s into practice this week?
Share your rituals, affirmations, and action steps with us.
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