A Gemini Halloween and treating your inner child 🎃

The “RX” Oct 30-Nov 5

Written under a Scorpio Sun and Aries Moon. Viewing the current political landscape through the lens of Pluto in Aquarius.

Hi Cosmic Cutie,
Get ready for a week brimming with cosmic promise and potential as we delve into the depths of Scorpio season. The stage is set for deep integration, self-reflection, and a sense of grounding, ushered in by the enigmatic energy of the Scorpio sun.

Emerging from the intense energy of the recent eclipses, it's time to turn inward and check in with your inner self. How did those celestial events resonate with you, and do you have a clearer picture of the larger narrative that the universe holds for you?

Remember, the impact of lunar eclipses can be felt over the six months that follow, so if you're not yet tuning to any messages, rest assured, your journey is unfolding in its own time.

Embrace the electrifying Gemini moon at the top of this week for a Halloween full of vibrant energy and cosmic connections! Monday and Tuesday usher in a playful and sociable atmosphere, making it the perfect time to step into the shoes of your alter ego and explore the various facets of your personality. As the mutable Gemini moon encourages you to don different masks, it’s also a great chance to connect with your ancestors during this season of thinning veils. Keep an eye out for obsessive thought patterns that may try to sneak in and run circles in your mind.

Dive into the nurturing embrace of the Cancer moon this week as Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday unfold a cocoon of cozy emotions. It's the perfect time to retreat into self-reflection and journaling, allowing you to slow down the hustle of the outside world. Shift your focus to the sanctuary of home and self-care, conducting an energy cleanse to identify and banish any "sus" vibes lurking in your space. Take a moment to curate the perfect ambiance for the upcoming cozy season, ensuring your surroundings match the warmth in your heart. Stay mindful of your emotions, as being irresponsible or lashing out may be a pitfall to watch for.

The weekend arrives in a blaze of Leo moon energy, inviting you to let your inner child run wild and have a blast! Embrace your playful spirit, ask yourself what your inner child craves, and dive into activities like crafts, sleepovers with your pals, or indulging in your favorite hobbies. However, it's essential to keep melodrama in check and be mindful of seeking excessive attention or affection. Remember, you can shower yourself with love and inner child healing — it's a weekend of self-celebration and pure, unapologetic fun!

As Jupiter embarks on a retrograde journey over Taurus — precisely in the degree of the eclipse — mark your cosmic calendars for mid-December to mid-January as a time to keep your hands and hearts wide open to the universe's benevolent offerings.

10/31:Venus Trine Uranus
11/3: Sun Opposite Jupiter
11/3: Venus Opposite Neptune
11/4: Mercury Opposite Venus

👇 Want a complete survival guide for all the astro-activity ahead?

  • Monday........💬
    Honor Gemini’s natural curiosity and try to learn something new today from a friend, colleague, family member, or even a stranger.

  • Tuesday........
    Embrace the Gemini moon by reallllly getting into character this Halloween. Have fun, be social, and revel in the party-girl vibes

  • Wednesday.........🐢
    Prioritize slowing down today and recovering from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Hot girls need their rest too!

  • Thursday.........🏠
    Do an energy audit of your home space! Take a walk around and clear out any physical or energetic clutter.

  • Friday..........❤️‍🩹
    Harness some of those Cancer-moon feelings — maybe try your hand at writing some poetry!

  • Saturday........🍿

  • This weekend is for the inner child — build a pillow fort and have a movie night with your besties.

  • Sunday.........🧶
    Pick up a new hobby! It’s the perfect time of year to start a knitting project .

The RX is delivered every Monday. Our moon-based community is up to more and more magic each week. Here are some extra doses of self-love, intuition, power & pleasure for you.

🎧 LISTEN UP: Join CosmicRx + Premium for an exclusive eclipse season Rx for your sign. PS there’s a bonus PDF in there too.
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Coming off this Lunar Eclipse- I am still keeping the self care game going strong, hunny. I’m trying to set boundaries on my schedule and make time for what I call “lazy girl self care,” aka low energy things that really help me get in my body and feel good. Obsessed with this HigherDose red light face mask because who doesn’t want to get more glowing skin while binge-watching Love is Blind?

Madi Murphy
- Head Witch, CosmicRx

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