Your Guide to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 💌

The “RX” Oct 23 - Oct 29

Written under a Libra Sun and Sagittarius Moon. If astrology isn’t real…we’re just gonna let David and Victoria Beckham’s birth charts do the talking.

Hi Cosmic Cuties and Baddies!
While things are continuously tumultuous in the world, the astrology of this week brings a light at the end of the tunnel. Some long-awaited juicy things that were manifested are finally being rewarded, but NOT before a little cosmic turbulence.

The eclipse on Saturday will bring a lot of beautiful gifts, but not without intensity and a lot of FEELS this week. Get even more deets in the Luna-verse, where you’ll find an exclusive podcast episode: A Sign by Sign Breakdown for the Taurus Lunar Eclipse and a bonus PDF.

We’re also excited to announce that we’ve moved this lovely newsletter over to beehiiv! We’re so thrilled to be working with this platform and, if you’re someone who is also trying to develop and grow a newsletter, check ‘em out!

Aquarius Moon: Monday
Happy Scorpio season! With the Aquarius moon, this is a great time to seek out community and, with that, a detached perspective on something that you’ve been struggling with — never underestimate what crowdsourcing some insight can accomplish! Be on the lookout for stubbornness or being too set in your ways. Remind yourself throughout the day to remain open-minded and open-hearted 💓

Pisces Moon: Tuesday, Wednesday
Scorpio sun + Pisces moon = intuition is at an all-time high. As we’re still in the heart of the eclipse portal, use this time to look under the surface to try to figure out what’s happening in the unseen realm. There is the potential to feel very energetically sensitive, so prepare yourself with the tools you have available — set boundaries and prioritize good “energy hygiene” (like taking a salt bath, doing a clearing of yourself, or booking an energy session). You’ll probably be feeling a lot, but just make sure it’s your own stuff that you’re feeling. This is a great day to do divination work, pursue your creativity, and figure out ways to process through the emotions to avoid getting bogged down. But also remember: when in doubt, cry it out. Sad bitches are bad bitches 💅

Aries Moon: Thursday, Friday
Speaking of bad bitches, hi Aries moon 💖. If water moon days are for letting it out, Aries moon days are for turning it out. Feeling reinvigorated for the next eclipse phase, ask yourself “what do I need to do for myself right now?” It could be having some alone time, intentionally sorting through an issue, or just getting dressed up to go out — whatever makes you feel like that bitch. In combination with the Scorpio sun, look out for emotional eruptions — if we’re not staying aware, feelings of anger, frustration, or sadness have the potential to blow up out of nowhere.

Taurus Moon: Saturday, Sunday
The lunar eclipse in Taurus will take place on Saturday at 4:15 pm EST. Prepare by getting into our body and letting yourself feel things. As the first earth sign, Taurus is about getting back to the 101 basics of self-care — are you breathing, sleeping, eating, drinking water, stretching? Focusing on these things going into the eclipse is really the best self-care advice there is. Be aware of the things coming up that might feel really big, how to honor yourself through it, and not cause harm to other people around us with unchecked emotions. Need more personal guidance? Listen to your Sign by Sign Breakdown for the Taurus Lunar Eclipse.

10/23: Sun Enters Scorpio
10/28: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus

👇 Want a complete survival guide for all the astro-activity ahead?

  • Monday........📞
    The Aquarius moon calls us to get connected with community — take the opportunity to catch-up with a friend or loved one.

  • Tuesday........🧖‍♀️
    Work on your energy hygiene and take a bath to calm the nervous system. Maybe try a red light face mask.

  • Wednesday.........🔮
    Harness the power of potent Scorpio + Pisces intuition and do some oracle or tarot card pulls.

  • Thursday.........🍂
    Get out into the world! Do some leaf peeping and allow the fresh air to invigorate you.

  • Friday..........💋
    We love an Aries moon Friday! Choose your own adventure today and do whatever it is that makes you feel like the hottest, vibiest version of yourself.

  • Saturday.........🙌
    Reflect, reflect, reflect! With the lunar eclipse today, take some time to journal, quiet your mind, and ready yourself for the abundance that the universe is bringing. If you’re feeling like you need more support, hop on our live Full Moon Community Call.

  • Sunday.........🧘‍♀️
    Get back to basics — put on your fave ambient playlist and do a nice, long stretch.

The RX is delivered every Monday. Our moon-based community is up to more and more magic each week. Here are some extra doses of self-love, intuition, power & pleasure for you.

🎧 LISTEN UP: Join CosmicRx + Premium for an exclusive eclipse season Rx for your sign. PS there’s a bonus PDF in there too.
⭐️ BADDIE BUNDLE: Leave a podcast review on Apple or Spotify for a chance to win 3 free months on our premium platform!
🪐 BECOME A STAR STUDENT! Learn the basics of your birth chart.

My #MondayRx is spending time grounding down in nature, for SURE, as we lead up to this Lunar Eclipse. In honor of the Pisces moon day (and it being my lunar return), I'm going to carve out some time for one of my favorite self care activities- pulling cards on a picnic blanket outside with a great playlist and some snacks.

Madi Murphy
- Head Witch, CosmicRx

How are you putting your RX’s into practice this week?
Share your rituals, affirmations, and action steps with us.
Tag @TheCosmicRX and #MondayRX #FullMoonRx

Navigating your Saturn Return is A 2-hour workshop to help you get through what may be the most pivotal astrological transit or your life time. This workshop removes all the chaos and confusion surrounding this deep rite of passage and will leave you clear, aligned and empowered about WTF exactly this time is all about so you can exhale and work with this energy for your highest good.