Mischevious Mercury + New Moon Solar Eclipse Rx!

The "Rx" Apr 1 - Apr 7: Mischevious Mercury and your New Moon Solar Eclipse Rx!

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Written under an Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon, laughing to keep from crying at the ultimate cosmic April Fool’s joke: a Mercury retrograde in the middle of two eclipses.

Hey Cosmic Cuties!

Forget April Fool's jokes – this week is a potent mix of celestial events that make life feel...well, a little like an elaborate prank. 🤪 We're smack dab in the middle of the eclipse portal, with Mercury retrograde adding its own chaotic flair. Timelines might feel wonky and, let's be honest, we're all probably going through something right now.

 Here’s a quick refresher from last week's newsletter on Mercury Retrograde:

  • Prepare for the Past

  • Embrace the "Re"s

  • Slow Down & Be Clear

This week, we're turning our focus to the awe-inspiring total Solar Eclipse in Aries! Not just a spectacular astronomical event (viewable across most of North America), but this eclipse holds special astrological significance. It's happening in conjunction with Chiron, the wounded healer, promising a powerful time for personal growth and transformation. 💞 

As we well know by now, April 1st is bringing a double dose of cosmic influence: a grounding Capricorn Moon and a trickster Mercury retrograde. This is your time to embrace your inner Capricorn — focus on taking care of business, staying factual, and getting things done. Procrastination? Not today. Emotions? Let logic reign supreme. However, watch out for inflexibility – we love our Caps, but they can be stubborn! Remember, even mountain goats need to be limber. Stay adaptable and keep your metaphorical "athletic stance" – stable, yet ready for whatever comes your way.

This Wednesday and Thursday brings us an Aquarius moon, urging us to zoom out. Step away from the everyday grind and reconnect with your vision. Ask yourself the big questions: "Why are we here?" "What truly matters?" Aquarius thrives on connection, so reach out to your community – those who share your unique perspective. Feeling down? Talking it out with like-minded people can offer a fresh take and a much-needed dose of inspiration. Remember: With an Aries sun and Mercury retrograde in play, emotions might be running high. Patience is key! Instead of getting frustrated, practice radical empathy. Put yourself in others' shoes, especially during this intense eclipse period.

This weekend's Pisces moon beckons us to embrace our emotions before the intensity of the April 8th eclipse. It's a time for reflection and self-care. Rest is crucial and naps are encouraged! Pay attention to your dreams — a potent source of intuition during this phase — and indulge in your creativity or simply soak in nature. A grounding foot massage can also be helpful. Beware of any “escapist” tendencies: while emotions might be intense, don't numb them with distractions. The eclipse portal, coupled with Mercury retrograde, could tempt you to disassociate. However, facing your feelings is key. Let them guide you, even if they're uncomfortable. This is a time for growth, not avoidance!

This Sunday, the moon ignites in Aries, priming us for the upcoming eclipse. Expect to confront something head-on – a chance to claim your power and define your own path. This might involve a decision, a leap of faith, or simply owning your evolving identity. Prioritize alone time on Sunday, especially through physical activity like a workout class or yard work. Moving your body will help process the rapid influx of thoughts and intuitive downloads. Be aware of impulsivity! With both the sun and moon in Aries, there's a risk of rushing into decisions or lashing out in frustration. Take a deep breath and channel your fiery energy productively. Remember, the eclipse is about transformation – take a step back, reflect, and let your power emerge with grace.

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4/1 Mercury Goes Retrograde In Aries
4/4 Venus Enter Aries
4/8 New Moon Solar Eclipse In Aries*

*🌑 The upcoming April 8th solar eclipse marks the next chapter in the story that began with the dramatic pattern-breaking shifts we experienced around the March 25th lunar eclipse.

🔥 This fiery Aries eclipse ignites a time for new beginnings, urging you to step into a new identity and claim your power as a self-leader. Think of it as a new moon on steroids, supercharging the energy for fresh starts. Eclipses create a portal where the rules of reality seem to loosen, prompting you to question the status quo. Is it time to break free from self-doubt, negative self-talk, or limiting patterns that have been holding you back? The answer is “yes,” and this eclipse provides the perfect opportunity to blaze a new trail.

🪐 With Mercury retrograde still in play, honest communication and reflection on even your inner thoughts are crucial. Mars, the ruler of this eclipse, emphasizes trusting your intuition and taking inspired action to protect your energy and stay grounded amidst the transformative energy.  North America, brace yourselves! This eclipse casts a literal and metaphorical shadow over your region, so be prepared for significant shifts on a collective level. 

  • Monday........ 🐐
    Focus on your “must-do” tasks and accomplish them — the productivity will feel sooo good!

  • Tuesday......…🪨

    Getting caught up in emotions? Start your day with a gratitude practice or grounding meditation. Super charge your self care with an infrared sauna blanket.

  • Wednesday.........🔄
    Today’s journal prompt: “10 things that truly matter to me.” You may be surprised what comes up!

  • Thursday.........🙋‍♀️
    Look up a volunteering opportunity in your community.

  • Friday..........👣
    Practice some self-massage, especially on your feet for the ultimate grounding practice.

  • Saturday........ 💤

    Prioritize a big nap today — your body needs it!

  • Sunday.........🔥
    Write down a bad-bitch affirmation and say it out loud in front of the mirror! Pull some Oracle cards to prep for the eclipse.. need more guidance? Grab the Aries Season Moon Guide.

The RX is delivered every Monday. Our moon-based community is up to more and more magic each week. Here are some extra doses of self-love, intuition, power & pleasure for you.

🎧 LISTEN UP: Join CosmicRx+ Premium for exclusive podcast episodes.
🎓 BECOME A STAR STUDENT! Learn the basics of your birth chart.
🪐 YOU’RE A BOSS: Enroll in our next Cosmic Boss Cosmic Leadership cohort. It’s your time. Early bird just opened.

🌑 New Moon Eclipse Live Call
With Madi Murphy
Monday April 8th, 2024
7pm NYC time

A 4 Month Conscious leadership program and launch accelerator. Designed by Madi Murphy.

Learn the 12 archetypes to discover your purpose and how to use it in launching a business - using astrology, spirituality, mindset tools, integrated leadership, and community. Get the support you need to launch an offering into the world that aligns with your purpose.

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