Your New Moon 🌑 + Mercury Retrograde Rx inside 💌

The “RX” Dec 11 - Dec 17: Your New Moon + Mercury Retrograde Rx inside 💌

Written under a Sagittarius Sun and Libra Moon — here’s to manifesting some auspicious audacity from the New Moon and dreaming big for 2024 🎉 

Happy Moon Day Monday! This week is chock full of astrological goodies and opportunities for reflection and action.

On Tuesday (12/12, also called the Ascension Gateway in numerology), we have a New Moon in Sagittarius bringing new beginnings, expansion, optimism, adventure, vision, expansion, exploring and embodying higher truths.

Then comes the last Mercury Retrograde of the year on 12/13. Mercury going Retrograde might have you feeling nervous, but you know what? After surviving an eclipse season and double Mercury-Venus Retrograde over the summer, this ain’t sh*t 💅.

Read on for your Rx that’ll give you everything you need to not only survive but THRIVE this week. 👇

Sagittarius Moon: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AM
We’re starting off this week DEEP in Sag energy, which has us feeling hopeful and seeing the greater vision. Sagittarius loooves executing a plan, so the New Moon on Tuesday has us asking, “what’s some wisdom the we’ve learned that can now be embodied?” Now is the time to step out of your comfort zone, into the cosmic zone, and fully lean into what lights you up. The New Moon is also conjunct to Mars which is helping to bolster you into action and boldness. The universe is working with you, so shoot your shot to create a life that you’re excited and passionate about! Be a little auspicious, maybe a little delulu, and start taking steps to live in accordance with your spirit, which is the embodiment of Sagittarius energy ♐️.

🌑 Find out what the New Moon means for you.

Capricorn Moon: Wednesday Pm, Thursday, Friday
Would we ever get anything done without Capricorn moon days? Probably not tbh 🤷‍♀️. We love Capricorn moon because she doesn’t get emotional about procrastination, she just gets it done. As we’re wrapping up work projects for the end of the year, set some goals and plug away — it’s gonna feel oh so satisfying and allows you to unplug and enjoy the holiday season while being present with family and loved ones. Be aware of the tendency to get too “heads down” with your tasks and becoming emotionally detached. Stay present and practice conscious empathy when the opportunity arises.

Aquarius Moon: Saturday, Sunday AM
Aquarius moon means it’s a great weekend to be social, festive, celebratory (as if we needed an excuse)🥂. Thanks to the sun in Sag, this weekend brings visionary energy, allowing you to see the bigger picture, increased clarity about how to carry out those visions, and a heightened sense of creativity. Take advantage of that social energy and do a little ✨cosmic networking✨ and reach out to some people who can help execute your dreams and bring them to life.

Pisces Moon: Sunday PM
With everything going on this week (hey, New Moon and Mercury Retrograde), this Pisces moon is just what we need to combat any Sunday scaries. It’s all about coming back to yourself, removing distractions, and allowing your body the time to digest all the energy and incoming messages from this past week. Take advantage of heightened intuition and give yourself exactly what you need this evening.

🪐 Want a complete survival guide for all the astro-activity ahead? Subscribe to CosmicRx+ Premium.

Mercury is the mischief maker (especially around communication and technology) and dealing with that is MUCH easier when we can laugh about it all. When things inevitably go awry, it’s all about preparedness and slowing down. DO plan for travel delays, DON’T text your fuckboi ex, and we’re all gonna be okay 💖 

12/12 New Moon In Sagittarius
12/13 Mercury Goes Retrograde In Capricorn
12/16 Sun Square Neptune

  • Monday........💁‍♀️
    Prepare for tomorrow’s New Moon, spending time reflecting on how you want grow over the next 6 months. Premium members: Listen to Madi’s customized reading for your sign.

  • Tuesday........🌑

    Join our live New Moon call to set intentions and manifest your dream life!

  • Wednesday.........😬
    Backup all your electronics and double check your holiday travel plans.

  • Thursday.........✍️
    Make a list of your EOY to-do’s.

  • Friday..........🐝
    Go see a movie to celebrate the end of the work week!

  • Saturday........🔮

    Put some wine in that Stanley cup and take a walk to look at holiday lights.

  • Sunday.........😴
    Practice your sleep hygiene tonight — take a bath, turn down the lights, do a sleep meditation.

The RX is delivered every Monday. Our moon-based community is up to more and more magic each week. Here are some extra doses of self-love, intuition, power & pleasure for you.

🎧 LISTEN UP: Join CosmicRx+ Premium for exclusive podcast episodes.
🎓 BECOME A STAR STUDENT! Learn the basics of your birth chart.
🪐 SATURN, WHO? Are you in your Saturn Return? Discover what that means for you in our Saturn Return Workshop.
YOU’RE A BOSS: Enroll in our next Cosmic Boss Cosmic Leadership cohort. It’s your time.

New Moon Circle 🌕 Live Call
12/12 Tuesday @ 12pm ET

Say goodbye to hustle culture and hello to alignment, abundance and ease. 💰

Cosmic Boss is a 4 Month Conscious leadership program and launch accelerator. Learn the 12 archetypes to unleash your cosmic power and soul's purpose using astrology, spirituality, mindset tools, integrated leadership, and community. Get the support you need to launch an offering into the world that aligns with your purpose.

How are you putting your RX’s into practice this week?
Share your rituals, affirmations, and action steps with us.
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