🌑 Scorpio New Moon Manifestations

The “RX” Nov 13 - Nov 19: Your Scorpio New Moon Manifestations

Written under a Scorpio Sun and Libra Moon, ready to crack open the manifestation journals ahead of the Scorpio New Moon.

Hey Cosmic Cuties!
This week, the astrology is giving rebirth. With today’s New Moon in Scorpio, get ready to ask yourself what you’re ready to invest in and who you’re willing to transform into. Entering into our first New Moon post-eclipse, the manifestation ban has finally been lifted, so step into your power, set some intentions, and let’s look ahead to see what the next six months have in store 🔮.

Scorpio Moon: Monday
Embrace today's New Moon in Scorpio as a fresh start and the opportunity to step into action — we’re owning our power and shedding any bullshit that holds us back! Meditate and think on Scorpio themes like intimacy, sensuality, and forging meaningful connections while releasing old shame. Remember, the road to your destiny is a gradual one, and emotional revelations (yes, even your triggers) serve as your guiding light. So with manifestation back on the table, tap into your most authentic self, explore investments and financial goals, and visualize your path for the next six months. Bonus: 🎧 Listen to Madi’s exclusive Sign by Sign Breakdown for the New Moon in Scorpio.

Sagittarius Moon: Tuesday, Wednesday
Riding the wave of the New Moon, we step into some Sagittarius moon days, which offers much-needed perspective and action. Embrace the expansive, “zoomed-out” perspective that Sagittarius brings, giving us the motivation to seek answers to the questions raised during the Scorpio Moon. Respond to the call to embark on a meaningful journey and take steps to bring your vision to life. However, be mindful of emotional outbursts and the temptation to spiritually bypass. While your energy soars, remember to hold space for others and their unique journeys.

Capricorn Moon: Thursday, Friday
There’s really nothing like ending the workweek with stable, focused Capricorn energy. It’s not always super sexy, but still super satisfying. This Cap moon provides a diligent and dedicated anchor to help you tie up all those loose ends on your to-do list, so you can kick back once the weekend arrives. However, be cautious of falling into the trap of all work and no play. While Capricorn's influence can bring productivity, remember to strike a balance to make sure that life doesn't become overly burdensome. Embrace the practicality of Capricorn, but don't forget to savor the simple joys along the way.

Aquarius Moon: Saturday, Sunday
Aquarius Moon and Scorpio Sun? Hello double-fixed energy! This weekend Aquarius wants you to get out into your community! Whether you’re making plans with existing friends, or even venturing out to make new connections, it's the perfect time to plug into the world around you. If you've been deep in your feels during Scorpio season, this weekend offers a refreshing break from the intensity. However, be cautious of being overly detached – you can stay aware of your emotions without completely dismissing them.

Monday’s New Moon is notably conjunct with Mars, providing a powerful boost from the universe to help guide you on your journey.

11/13: New Moon In Scorpio
11/13: Sun Opposite Uranus
11/17: Mars Trine Neptune

👇 Want a complete survival guide for all the astro-activity ahead?

  • Monday........🌑
    The New Moon in Scorpio is like a cosmic makeover. Take full advantage of a fresh start for self-discovery. Write your intentions like a heartfelt text message. Focus on manifesting the most authentic expression of your identity. Need guidance? Join our New Moon call and see what you’re manifesting.

  • Tuesday........🌾

    Get outside and touch grass — getting grounded following the Scorpio New Moon with help the seeds of your intentions grow.

  • Wednesday.........🏖
    Plan a fun little trip — whether it’s international, weekend getaway, or even just a hypothetical trip for the future.

  • Thursday.........🥦
    Get your grocery shopping done today. Your weekend self will thank you!

  • Friday..........😋
    Tie up any loose ends at work and treat yourself to ordering in for dinner.

  • Saturday........🦋

    Try something new today! Look up a fun workshop or event and meet some new friends.

  • Sunday.........🥗
    Relish in community—plan a fun brunch with some friends and enjoy being out in the world.

The RX is delivered every Monday. Our moon-based community is up to more and more magic each week. Here are some extra doses of self-love, intuition, power & pleasure for you.

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🎓 BECOME A STAR STUDENT! Learn the basics of your birth chart.
🪐SATURN, WHO? Are you in your Saturn Return? Discover what that means for you in our Saturn Return Workshop.

New Moon Circle 🌑 Live Call
11/13 Monday @ 7pm ET

Navigating your Saturn Return is A 2-hour workshop to help you get through what may be the most pivotal astrological transit or your life time. This workshop removes all the chaos and confusion surrounding this deep rite of passage and will leave you clear, aligned and empowered about WTF exactly this time is all about so you can exhale and work with this energy for your highest good.

How are you putting your RX’s into practice this week?
Share your rituals, affirmations, and action steps with us.
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