Sweet New Beginnings 🌑 New Moon in Taurus

The “RX” May 6 - May 12: Sweet New Beginnings (New Moon in Taurus)

Written under a Taurus Sun and Aries Moon, kicking our feet about manifesting under this New Moon 😍.

Hey Cosmic Cuties!
🌷 It’s ALL about the moon this week as May brings one of the most auspicious and decadent New Moons of the year, offering the potential for gorgeous new beginnings. This sweet season feels like a reward for April's hard work — we're on stable ground, the sun is shining, and the grass is green.

🌑 This month also holds the Day of Miracles on the 18th, but before then, we’re gonna tell you everything you need to know about the Taurus New Moon taking place on 5/7. As you probably already know, we talk about the moon A LOT here and, this week especially, let’s recommit ourselves to reclaiming Mondays for the moon, not “The Man” – treating Monday’s as a day to honor your emotions and the feminine within. With the influence of the New Moon, this is a chance to plant seeds of intention and manifest abundance in all its forms 🤲.

As last weekend’s Aries moon carries us into Monday, the energy is all about "me time." It's a perfect Monday to prioritize solo activities, whether it's building something with your own hands, getting a good workout, or simply enjoying some quiet introspection. However, the combination of the Taurus sun and Aries moon can lead to a short temper — be mindful of potential frustration turning into physical tension or emotional outbursts. So this week, let's practice self-awareness and set healthy emotional boundaries to avoid unnecessary drama!

Get ready for a shift in energy as we move into a Taurus moon late Monday night. This lunar phase, culminating in the New Moon on Tuesday at 11:21 PM EST, encourages embracing a slower pace. It's time to prioritize stability, grounding ourselves in our bodies and indulging in some Venusian vibes. While Jupiter and Uranus urge us to step outside our comfort zones, the Taurus energy emphasizes making life beautiful and celebratory. Think about ways to inject romance, art, and beauty into your everyday. Remember, the Taurus moon encourages us to stop and smell the roses, but watch out for stubbornness or clinging to specific outcomes (thanks to that double-fixed energy) ♉️.

A Gemini moon means that curiosity is buzzing, making us crave social interaction. Gather your friends, be a social butterfly, and indulge your inner sapiosexual 🤓 — dive into intellectual pursuits, learn something new, and let your mind be stimulated by the variety around you. However, be mindful of Gemini’s potential shadows. Watch out for anxiety, overcommitting, and spreading yourself too thin. Remember the grounding lessons from the last few days – slow down, be present, and reconnect with your body if you start feeling overwhelmed.

Cancer moon days are a gentle reminder to prioritize self-care and inner peace. It's a time to find comfort, fill your emotional cup, and create a sense of home within yourself and the Taurus sun amplifies this nurturing energy, making you crave creature comforts like delicious meals and tending to your physical space. Embrace your inner homebody and prioritize your needs. However, be mindful of Cancer’s tendency to retreat too far into your shell- resist the urge to "hermit" completely, especially with Taurus’ potential to shut others out. This emotional isolation can also manifest as controlling the emotional environment around you. Instead, prioritize honest communication about your feelings. Acknowledge what you can and cannot control, and create a safe space for yourself to process your emotions 💗.

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5/7: New Moon in Taurus

♉︎ We've been swimming in Taurus energy for quite some time now – the eclipses began in November 2021, followed by Uranus's arrival in 2018, and Jupiter's year-long stay since last May. This new moon marks a turning point; it's a time to revisit where Taurus sits in your birth chart and a chance to plant new seeds and set intentions in these areas such as, security, stability, worthiness, and sensuality.

🌑 Another reason this new moon is extra special is because it's joined by Venus (love, beauty, values), Jupiter (expansion), and Uranus (unexpected shifts). These cosmic allies amplify the Taurus themes, urging us to dream big and release any limitations we've held onto, adding layers of beauty, pleasure, and attraction to our intentions and magnifying our desires and opening the door for significant growth and unexpected opportunities.

  • Monday........🌑
    Join our live New Moon Circle or create your own ritual honoring the moon and her influence.

  • Tuesday......…💫

    Happy New Moon in Taurus! Spend some time manifesting under this potent energy.

  • Wednesday.........💚
    Find a green space and wiggle your toes in the grass for a few minutes.

  • Thursday.........💻
    Make an unserious PowerPoint presentation on a topic that’s interesting to you.

  • Friday..........👯
    Join a local book club (or start one with your friends!)

  • Saturday........ 🌷

    Give your living space some attention and do a quick spring clean.

  • Sunday.........🍪
    Bake your favorite sweet treat to share with your loved ones.

The RX is delivered every Monday. Our moon-based community is up to more and more magic each week. Here are some extra doses of self-love, intuition, power & pleasure for you.

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🎓 BECOME A STAR STUDENT! Learn the basics of your birth chart.

🌑 New Moon in Taurus Live Call
With Madi Murphy
Monday May 6th, 2024

Your Guide to Taurus Season. Inside you will find powerful ways to manifest and create, in alignment with the lunar phases. Get ready to embrace the Taurus season gifts of loyalty, fertility and persistence.

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