Lessons in Love 🩷

The “RX” Feb 12 - Feb 18: All Things Aquarius (+ what it means for you!)

Written under an Aquarius Sun and Aries Moon, catch us incorporating Lil Jon’s new guided meditation album into our daily practices 😌.

Happy Moon Day Cosmic Baddies!
We’re leaning into Aquarian energy big time this week (and for the next 20 years tbh), and it all starts on 2/12 when Mars moves into Aquarius. Consider bringing people together in community, using tech as a way to collaborate, or just unapologetically let your freak flag fly. Regardless of how Aquarius energy manifests in your life, innovation is in the air and it’s asking you to shift your perspective.

We’re shooting off into this week feeling inspired and lit up by the Martian baddie, Aries 💅. If there’s a problem you’ve been stumped on that’s slowly evolved into procrastination, use some of that bad bitch energy and audacity to take a crack at it. OR just do something nice for your damn self! Have you been feeling overstimulated, out of it, or just generally blah? Put on your headphones, go on a hot girl walk, and be the main character for an hour. Owning your whole self is very aligned, so why not turn today into a moment of self-love? All that fiery energy can result in a short fuse and now is a good chance to work on emotional regulation — another great way to spend some alone time!

Wednesday is Valentine’s Day and, in classic Taurian fashion, we’re focusing on L-O-V-E both outwards as well as inwards 🥰. On the self-love front: romanticize everything, let your life feel like art, get into your body (maybe treat yourself to a massage??), and have a cheeky moment of indulgence by hitting up the drugstore candy section for discounted chocolate on the 15th (hey, the moon is telling you to do it). Be aware of ultra fixed energy in beliefs or mindset. When you feel your heels starting to dig in, take a few deep breaths and, dare we say, go with the flow 😳. Embrace open-mindedness and allow change to happen for you, not to you.

The Gemini moon has us craving human connection this weekend 💞. We’re deep in Aquarius season, so lean into your humanity and relish in fellow human connections. Give a compliment, ask a question, or take the opportunity to get out in the world and chat someone up with the goal of learning something new. On the flip side of that coin, we also have major double air energy, so look out for your little nervous system — protect your personal boundaries and avoid trying to do the most.

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2/12: Mars Enters Aquarius
2/16: Venus Enters Aquarius


On Valentine’s Day (2/14), Mars will be in Aquarius. While this isn’t the stereotypical romantic, there are still some important lessons to be learned from Aquarius about love. Enjoy the sexy, charismatic energy of this transit and let yourself take the unconventional approach to love, but recognize that today’s energy has the potential to teeter on intense, so remain aware of any unhealthy power dynamics in or around you.

A few days later, on 2/16, Venus follows Mars into Aquarius, reminding you not to get too hung up on how relationships “should” look and remove any norm-core expectations for how we love and receive love. If you’re actively on the hunt for a romantic partner, this is a good opportunity to dust off the dating apps (Aquarius 🤝 tech), or put yourself out there irl, the old-fashioned way. When you’re working with the signs, astrology can be the ultimate wingman 😉.

Food for thought:
We haven’t had Mars in Aquarius since 2022, but what’s even more interesting is that Mercury, Mars, and Venus are all linking up with Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius this week, giving us a cosmic vibe check of the cycle that we’re about to embark on. Think back to December 2020, during the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius — are there any lessons learned during that time period that can be carried to the here and now?

  • Monday........🎀
    Makeover montage! Plan your outfits for the week.

  • Tuesday......… 🎧

    Make your ultimate hot-girl-walk playlist.

  • Wednesday.........😘
    Buying flowers or chocolate for your lover? Get yourself a little something too.

  • Thursday........🍪
    Bake some cookies to share.

  • Friday..........🛁
    End the workweek with a relaxing bubble bath.

  • Saturday........🏛

    Visit a museum exhibit with a friend.

  • Sunday.........🙏
    Cleanse the energy in your space and do a short yoga flow.

The RX is delivered every Monday. Our moon-based community is up to more and more magic each week. Here are some extra doses of self-love, intuition, power & pleasure for you.

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How are you putting your RX’s into practice this week?
Share your rituals, affirmations, and action steps with us.
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